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«Stained Cross»

Cross Pendant

Collection: Imperial Enamel Large Cross Pendants


gold, diamonds, enamel.

№ 753834

“For me a stained glass window is a transparent partition between my heart and the heart of the world.”

Marc Chagall, artist

Cross pendant "Stained-Glass Cross" is the Temple of the Lord at your heart. 

Cross pendant "Stained-Glass Cross" is executed in the tradition of the 19th century, the era of Renaissance and creative development of numerous lost arts and techniques. It was at this time for the world to remember and admire the beauty of the precious Byzantine enamels. And at the same time, interest in stained glass was back. Enamel and stained glass got a second breath; it found its admirers and followers. 

Stained glass pattern, so simple at first glance, is executed in the guilloche technique of hot cloisonne enamel. It is believed that Carl Fabergé was the most skillful jeweler in the 19th century to combine hot enamel and guilloche. And again, in our time, artisans use these techniques. Owing to the guilloche of the Stained-Glass Cross, colors are different all the time; they change depending on how the light falls on its surface, moving from one to another, and only diamonds highlight those tinges. 

Stained glass windows are good at night, when the lights are on inside the church. 

Stained-Glass Cross lights the fire of faith.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin