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21st Century Sport

Dynamic Sculptures

Unique collection of the 21st Century Sports in Dynamic Sculpture

Le sport doit être envisagé comme producteur d’art et comme occasion d’art. Il produit de la beauté puisqu’il engendre l’athlète qui est de la sculpture vivante.

Pierre de Coubertin, L’art et le sport (Pedagogie sportive, Paris, 1922)

“Sport should be seen as a source and a reason for art. And art should be linked with practicing sport. Sport must be seen as producing beauty and an opportunity for beauty. It produces beauty because it creates the athlete, who is a living sculpture.”

Pierre de Coubertin, L’art et le sport (Pedagogie sportive, Paris, 1922)

Over the past more than 100 years, the sports have become one of the highest achievements of civilization, giving rise to the emergence of the new and novel artistic form: dynamic sculptural miniatures.

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