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Holy Fire Small Vigil Lamp


silver, diamonds, stained glass, amaranth wood.

№ H-17-01-048 / special order.

Most of the items of churchware that have been available in church for centuries have long become familiar for many generations of believers. And it would seem that the Church has found a certain constancy in them.

However, the twenty-first century has opened up new opportunities for previously unfeasible processes. Today, the Holy Fire, which descends at noon on Great Saturday in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, is delivered by special flights in vessels with special spiritual power to the churches of the Orthodox land for the evening service.

The lamp has an ascetic form, like the basilicas of early Christian churches, and is made of precious metals. The air in the vessel circulates in such a way that its construction is practically unheated, which allowed artists to use valuable wood species. The front door of the lamp shows a sanctuary in which a fire comes – the Edicule. The remaining transparent walls are decorated with silver engravings, the symbols of Christian shrines.

When they were created (the joint creation by God and man), ancient techniques and the latest achievements of jewelry art were used.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin