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«In Vino Veritas»

Diamond Sapphire Gold Enamel Ring Earrings Set


gold, diamonds, blue sapphires, enamel.

№ 667735 / special order.


gold, diamonds, blue sapphires, enamel.

№ Н-16-03-182 / special order.

Since ancient times wine was considered as the drink of the gods, giving the vital force to anyone who tries it. There is courage, strength, joy, mind's passion and, of course, the truth in wine. But the birth of the wine is always surrounded by a halo of mystery: grapes, which in mysterious way become a divine drink, semi- darkness of wine cellars, aroma of antique oak barrels...

The great Michelangelo discovered image in the block of marble and created his masterpieces. The wine-maker's work is akin to the sculptor's one, he also creates his masterpiece – wine out of the gift of nature, and seeks to identify and highlight the natural beauty, find a unique flavor and color. Every winemaker can be described as an artist, but he is not simply making wine, he draws a bouquet, so that people could enjoy his creation.

Wine is the memory of grapes, when they was ripening on the vine, blessed the sun and good weather, whispered to the wind and leaves; this is a carefully stored sunlight which will return to us in crystal glasses.

Wine does not rot in years, if it was made from the Heart.

That we are creating here we turn into the best wine.

Jewelers of the Lobortas House have created their inimitable piece of art for you – In Vino Veritas. Sapphire bunch of grapes, gently covered with leaf of hot enamel, painted in all colors of the early autumn; diamond dewdrops, which reflect a gentle sunlight, are resting on leaves and vine of this unique masterpiece.

The sages said that the bread was given to the man, so that he never felt hunger, salt, so that the life had a taste, and wine – to ensure that there was joy at home. Fill your home and your lives with the truth in wine "In Vino Veritas" by the Lobortas Classic Jewelry House.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin