Logo Lobortas Classic Jewelry House


«Night Сity»

Diamond Amethyst Gold Ring

Collection: King On Throne


gold, diamonds, amethyst.

№ Н-14-12-805

"The city is swimming in a sea of colorful lights

The city is living by the happiness of its people

Old hotel, open your doors

Old hotel, hide me at midnight"

From Old Hotel by Zhanna Aguzarova

The flashing of bright lights in the night, the extravaganza of neon ads, the sounds of the night city – all this slowly floats before your eyes. It is enough to roll down the car window to become a spectator in this hectic theater.

From a mixture of shadows and lights, artisans of the Lobortas Classic Jewellery House created the Night City engagement ring. The fairy tale of night reality is told by jewelers with gold of roads, diamonds of stars and purple mist of amethyst. Amethyst is an unusual and blessed stone (as it was called in Ancient Rome). Its special wonderful color is almost unrepeated in the world of minerals. The jewelers of the Lobortas Jewellery House emphasized the splendor of the apostolic stone, bringing it to the forefront in the theater of Night City. The goldsmiths adorned the surroundings of this stunning masterpiece with Van Gogh's Starry Night and exquisite engraving.

And only for Her and for Him, the Night City will play the saxophone solo tonight…

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Photo by Vladislav Filin