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Collection: Precious Cross Pendants
gold, white diamonds, black diamonds, smoky quartz, onyx, carnelian.
№ Н-14-10-631
My kingdom is not of this world...
(John 18:36)
Pontius Pilate, Roman prefect of Judea, commanded to write the words "Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews" in the conviction. Moreover, even though Jesus himself said, "if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence", but the Jews recognized God's son their King in the heavens and upon the earth.
Initially, Jews are people who know their God and Jesus to be their King, irrespective of their origin or place of residence.
That is why artisans of the Lobortas Classic Jewellery House crowned the "Fansy" royally. This cross is fantastically beautiful. With one side, cornelian and onyx symbolize the opposing elements of earth and fire that penetrate each other and the earth's being transformed by fire.
White and black diamonds and ceremonial smoky quartz form new unity, returning to the beginning of creation.
On the other hand, the pendant cross "Fansy" is symbolically golden. And it's not pomposity, it is the truth. Remembering the words of St. Nikolai Velimirovich of Ohrid and Žiča that gold is a symbol of truth. "In the Imperial Crown, in earth, in water, and in fire, it is the same everywhere". Jewelers only emphasized the pristine beauty of noble metal with ceremonial monograms and modest cross of white diamonds.
And if you take a look at the cross "Fansy" sideways, you can see the most complicated fine engraving made manually at the multiply magnification.
Pendant cross "Fansy" is the jewellery masterpiece of the 21th century, the great banner of the God's triumph.
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Photo by Dmitriy Las