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Cross Pendant

Collection: Imperial Enamel Large Cross Pendants


gold, diamonds, enamel.

№ Н-18-09-562

Simplicity is the most difficult thing to secure in this world; it is the last limit of experience and the last effort of genius.

George Sand  

Cross pendant "Dahlia" is an elegance in simplicity. But this simplicity is apparent. Graceful flowers of the cross "Dahlia" were created from hot jewellery enamels in cloisonné technique. Hot cloisonné enamel is so delicate that it is just impossible without patience, skill and a little dollop of miracle. Each layer of enamel (and there may be tens of them) is baked separately at high temperatures, because when applying the picture of gold, an enameller has only one chance to draw a conceived thing perfectly. 

And that's Dahlia cross, jewellery masterpiece that it is impossible to repeat, being born from this combination of precision and chance. 

In the middle of the cross there is a diamond and the largest flower, on the petals of which enamel tinges are so good. Floral lace is represented by blue palette – turquoise and ultramarine (traditionally, this is a colored "mark of heaven"). 

Golden cross "Dahlia" is both elegant and festive at the same time. And this sense of joy and warmth will persist in the jewel for many years. After all, the great Leonardo da Vinci said: A picture painted on thick copper covered with white enamel on which it is painted with enamel colours and then put into the fire again and baked, far exceeds sculpture in permanence... And if sculpture in bronze is durable, this work in copper and enamel is absolutely imperishable.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin