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  • «Angel»

    gold, CVD diamond, enamel  |  № Н-24-09-224/1

  • «Angel»

    gold, diamonds, enamel  |  № Н-24-09-224

  • «Angel»

    gold, diamonds, enamel  |  № Н-20-01-008


Cross Pendant

Collection: Imperial Enamel Small Cross Pendants


№ Н-24-09-224/1

gold, CVD diamond, enamel.

№ Н-24-09-224,

№ Н-20-01-008

gold, diamonds, enamel.

"An angel was crossing the pale vault of night,
And his song was as soft as his flight,
And the moon and the stars and the clouds in a throng
Stood enthralled by this holy song.
He sang of the bliss of the innocent shades
In the depths of celestial glades;
He sang of the Sovereign Being, and free
Of guile was his eulogy."

– From The Angel by Mikhail Lermontov

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Photo by Dmitriy Las