Logo Lobortas Classic Jewelry House



Silver Gold Diamond Jade Seal


silver, gold, diamonds, jade.

№ Н-13-05-216

The Taurus warrior

Carries a burden of destiny

With patience and persistence...

 A burden of destiny is heavy, but a proud and strong medieval warrior carries it on his shoulders. He is going to reach his aim overcoming the obstacles slowly, with persistence and courage.

This is how a real Taurus should behave. He is calm, self-confident and patient as the sign of the Earth. He notices beauty, appreciates pleasures and has a perfect sense of taste.

The masters of Lobortas Classic Jewellery House have created this unique series of astrological symbols of the Western Zodiac. They are shifters that have become a legend of fine arts. Small figures are made of silver with a crown of gold that is decorated with diamonds and symbolizes the astrological sign. The pad is made of nephrite that gives a long life to its holder. these stamps will diversify your interior and give it aesthetic luxury of real art.

Every sculpture is dedicated to one of the twelve signs. It also corresponds to ancient archetype symbols. Among them there are warriors, gods, heroes of different cultures and folks. All of them are united by outstanding art of jewelers and engrevers who made the real jewel masterpieces of noble metals and gemstones.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin