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Peaceful, quiet and cute "Monkeys" – a wonderful creation, designed for a desk space. The most important thing in this work however is the hearfulness and talent, warmly attached to it by an artisan. Monkeys, being in calm tandem, radiate confidence and peace of mind, which is very important for a man, able to appreciate the spiritual comfort.
In the East, monkeys symbolize strength of mind, determination and discipline. Those qualities imply rapid advancement in career, accuracy and reasonableness of steps to success, as well as the well-being and standard of comfort. Being in harmony with the surrounding world, as two perfectly executed monkeys of ivory with each other, their owner will always be able to find common language with everyone who deserves it. Then the mental clarity, wisdom and talented approach to important issues will return a hundredfold.
It is so success and prosperity come in life. When talented and lovingly performed objects of art surround a person, he becomes more confident in its exclusivity and its own talent to live.
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Photo by Vladislav Filin