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«Sahaidachny – the Triumphant»

Handcrafted Contemporary Jewellery Sculpture


bronze, silver, jasper.

№ Н-23-03-073

This modern interpretation of the great commander Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny stands proudly on the wreckage of invading Russian armour and vehicles.

One of the key figures in the history of Ukraine, Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny was a brilliant commander, hetman of the registered Cossacks, and chieftain of the Zaporizhzhian Sich. He was a defender of the Orthodox Church and guardian of the Kyiv Epiphany Brotherhood School. During his rule, the renowned hetman restored Kyiv's significance as a cultural centre and religious hearth of Ukraine, a true heir to the glory of ancient Rus' Kyiv of princely times.

During the Polish-Moscow War of 1609-1618, the famous raid that became the final chord of the war and led to the surrender of Moscovy took place. A unique plan was devised for the march of the 20,000-strong Cossack army, which defeated the Moscow army multiple times along its route. The hetman demonstrated exceptional personal combat skills, agility, and proficiency. In the autumn of 1618, the Cossacks stood under the walls of Moscow, near the Donskoy Monastery. On the day of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the battle-hardened Cossacks destroyed the Ostrog Gate and began to break down the Arbat Gate, which opened the way to the Kremlin, using oak logs. However, they halted when they heard the voices of church bells. At this point in the Polish-Cossack-Moscow War, the hetman gave the order to withdraw.

Sahaidachny deftly carried his victory banners through vast expanses, devastating enemy lands with fire and sword. Burdened with rich loot, Petro Konashevych-Sahaidachny dispelled the fear of his name and became a symbol of an entire era, a respected hero for future generations.

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Photo by Dmitriy Las