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bronze, brass, silver, cognac diamonds, agate.
The morning was entering its domain with the dawn
rays, heralding the beginning of a new day. A silver
haze crept over the water mist. The air was filled
with the gamut of a wide variety of the lake
orchestra sounds. The buzzing of insects echoed
with the whisper of reeds, the splashing of fish with
the whistling of duck wings, and a red warbler is
humming along with the cuckoo sing.
A loud shot, rising from the thickets with a light haze, notified the district of
a well-aimed hit that had reached its goal. And now the joyful dog, making
its way through the reed thickets, carries in its teeth the trophy obtained
by the hunter.
The triumph of the feeling of victory, which probably originated in the days
of distant ancestors engaged in hunting, has awakened filling its soul with
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Photo by Vladislav Filin