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Dynamic Sculpture

Collection: «21st Century Sport»


silver, steel, brass, jasper.

Back in December 1891, James Naismith revealed fascinating ball game hitherto unknown to the world of sports. Basketball has truly revolutionized sports culture and the minds of fans. Dynamic, competitive, spectacular sport where young talent passes the way to the true winner, whose movements and skills are admired, and literally stop time when the ball is covetedly hit in the basket.

Today, miniaturist sculptors got a new and very important task: to convey the image of the soaring basketball player of the 21st century most accurately in the instant of blazing jump.

After all, it has become a game of super speeds and superpowers for more than a century. Virtuosity of powerful movements of an athlete has burst in innovative sculpture. Specially cut stand crafted out of a mineral forms a special three- dimensional expanse, where the athlete has skyrocketed. In turn, dynamic turn- and-view system creates the effect of presence on the basketball court, when making the sculptural composition rotate.

Concentration and the desire to win have merged into a filigree work of modern jewelers, designed to be the starting point in the birth of the 21st century's realistic sculpture.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin