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Gold Diamond Sapphire Pearl Ring

Collection: Zodiac Signs


gold, diamonds, sapphires and pearls.

№ of194

Pearls are one of the mysteries of life, which arose from the depths of the ocean, with all the facets playing shades of emotions that is so characteristic of refined and artistic representatives of Libra. In the ring "Libra" by the artisans of the House "Lobortas" there are two pearls – two stars in the sky, two scales, in the center of which the disk of the Sun shines. Libra is unique. The world of this zodiac sign is subtle, varied and beautiful. It is not divided by a crude feature into black and white one, but shines with all possible color tints as the mother-of-pearl.

Two scale bowls are like pursuit of equilibrium, realization of the greatest harmony. In the philosophical ring "Libra" the circumferences in the form of beautiful pearls are a symbol of perfection and the pyramid in the center – striving for immortality and the infinity gives an owner just magic properties. Notwithstanding the Libra symbolizes philosophical cast of mind and wise meditativeness in the background of a sunset, the rays of which are drawn in the composition center among the stars – sapphires? A diamond compound of bowl pearls is a highlighted zodiacal evidence of an owner's skill to take a right decision, having reached «the golden mean». The bowl of a symbolically presented scale lays on the exquisite Ionic chapiter of gracefully curved and diamond-framed scrolls. Here the West and the East have come together, showing the Libra's skill to strive for a harmony and beauty every time. "Perfection!" – Here is a motto of Libra and this ring is its incarnation.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin