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Diamond Sapphire Gold Ring

Collection: Men's Rings


gold, diamonds, sapphires.

Special order.

At one time designers of Pоrshe have done everything possible to ensure that their vehicles are identifiable and prestigious. In exactly the same way artisans of the Lobortas Classic Jewelry House have made all their efforts and talents, to translate the main idea of the brand in the ring "Pоrshe", which has become a car icon around the world.

One glance is enough, to be able to easily capture the similarities between this masterpiece of jewelry art with a heart of the vehicle – its engine. The grace with which the car forms were conveyed in an exquisite piece and the incredible skill and a taste, with which the emphases in the sophisticated gear of deep blue sapphires and dazzling diamonds are made, are worth of paying attention.

Some models of Pоrshe family are exclusively available for individual orders of their customers and are irreproducible. Pоrshe ring by the artists of the Lоbоrtаs House is unique in the same way and there is only a single copy of it.

A true lover of the style, strength and elegance, and at the same time a strong and self-confident man is sure to give this masterpiece his due.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin