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«The Warmth of the Evening Rain»

Diamond Smoky Quartz Gold Ring

Collection: High-End


gold, diamonds, smoky quartz.

№ H-17-09-487 / special order.

Oh, the smell of summer rain! When, by bursting as a drum roll, heavy, almost hot drops fall on the sun- warmed stones, while bringing the long-awaited freshness along... Evening streets lit by yellow lanterns and wet alleys with small lakes suddenly formed in the squares in front of noisy cafes. Drops of colored diamonds fly from the leaves of trees, and the warm wind blows your hair and you run barefoot on the pavement, laughing, waving your arms joyfully, while catching the rain with them. And the water flows down to the corners of the roads, taking the dust with it, making the world clean again.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin