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Gold Diamond Enamel Ring

Collection: Ethnic Patterns


gold, enamel, diamonds.

№ 753928 / special order.

"Through the rhythm of waves

You can hear the berehynias sing

Quietly whispering poems of

Deep blue sea."

Gold ring "Berehynia" is a beloved patron spirit. In a far far away times berehynias were the spirits that protected the worthy ones, those for whom laws of honor and kind are sacrosanct. Berehynia claimed such people under her protection and did not leave them, neither in love, nor in battle, nor in a normal life.

Gold ring "Berehynia" is a good and open image, fully impregnated with love. She is the mother of all living beings, caring and fair. The ring is imbued with internal women's force, which was kept by berehynias for millennia.

Artisans of Lobortas Classic Jewelry House borrowed an excellent image of Berehynia from nature, which is all around us, in clean colors of hot enamel. Berehynia's gaze seems to be aimed exactly at the heart, and it has no cold – only warmth and heavenly wisdom. Hot enamel rings "Berehynia" were tempered in furnaces at high temperatures (about 800 degrees), and henceforth, these colors are eternal. Thin ornament of the ring was adorned with diamonds and crafted using the technique of cloisonne enamel, for which the Great Faberge was famed.

Golden ring "Berehynia" – from Berehynia to Berehynia, decent for a decent.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin