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«Wedding Duet»

Diamond Gold Church Wedding Rings

Collection: Wedding Rings


gold, diamonds.

№ 713211/3; 713211/4

A mystery of wedding...

A church, mild light of candles, melting wax, firm faces of the Saints on old icons, a chorus, bells ringing...That is how the God is blessing your love. Since this moment you will share everything in your life: one way, one joy, one happiness. A wedding ceremony is like a union of Jesus and the Church. Two hearts are united in happiness to live forever on the earth and in heaven. Happiness is not just a joy of the moment. Happiness is around us in every piece and part of this world filled with your love, because love is a mystery and love blessd and protected by God is a great power. People say: those who were married in a church are united by heaven. There is no vow that can be stronger than the vow taken in a church. There is no power in the world that can break it because a divine blessing always protects sincere love. Putting wedding rings on your fingers you pronounce the most sacral words that come from your soul.

The jewelers of Lobortas Classic Jewellery House created the “Wedding Duet” for the most precious moment in your life. These sophisticated wedding ring are the symbols of eternal unity of your marriage. They are made of white gold and united by the same ornament that symbolizes unity of your family. Pure diamonds symbolize sincerity of your thoughts and feelings.

Let your union be blessed by God, everlasting and happy. Let the “Wedding Duet” be the symbol of eternal happiness, love and harmony.

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Photo by Dmitriy Las