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«Venus Flower»

Cubic Zirconia Diamond Silver Ring

Collection: Eco Collection


silver, CVD diamonds, red cubic zirconia.

№ Н-22-05-158

In the realm of artistic mastery, the Blossom of Venus ring emerges as a symphony of creativity. This resplendent ornament marries the celestial allure of ample crimson phianite with the lustrous nobility of silver and the scintillating grace of diamonds. Christened in honor of Venus, the deity of affection and allure, the ring captivates the beholder’s gaze and stirs the profound sentiments only art can arouse.

The sterling foundation of the ring provides a tangible canvas for intricate carvings, transforming it into an opus that draws its muse from the verdant earth. The opulent diamonds bestow upon the ring a discreet glow, reflecting the luminous dance within the blossom, symbolizing vigor and existence.

At the heart of the Blossom of Venus, the crimson phianite embodies the most profound of passions. It radiates a fervor and potency, invoking the essence of ardor and yearning, as though seizing an ephemeral whisper of fervency.

The Blossom of Venus ring stands as a tribute to the boundless sway of imagination and the artisan’s gift to infuse his craft with vitality and sentiment. The exquisite melding of regal silver, diamonds, and radiant red cubic zirconia reverberates with the timeless motifs of love and splendor, capturing the enchantment of artistry, inspiration, and the heart’s stirrings.

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Photo by Dmitriy Las