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«Scrolls of Wisdom»



gold, black diamonds, white diamonds.

№ 713084

“One and the only Deity the Wise can be in the right and all-embracing mind; 

all a man can do is just to aspire after” 

By Pythagoras, Ionian Greek philosopher and mathematician

The men’s cufflinks “Scrolls of Wisdom”. In this pair of men’s cufflinks jewelers represented the golden scrolls, interlaced with the threads of diamonds. It imparted some luster and impetuosity to the whole miniature. The volume is so much vivid that this piece of art could be regarded as jewellery architecture. Analogous methods would be widely used by the head of the master-jewelers’ dynasty Carl Fabergé. 

The gold cufflinks “Scrolls of Wisdom” make a precious Logos, the One everything begins with and by means of what everything will go on forever. Logos takes its origin from Greek “λόγος”, meaning “a divine word or a thought”. Ever since then or even perhaps a bit later it has been the Highest Power ruling the world. 

The craftsmen and artists of “Lobortas” Jewellery House have succeeded in creating a real “tour de force” to let others peep into the macro-world of a wise man-philosopher, to watch a sharp quill sink in the dark-unknown depth of a diamond inkpot. The first-ever Word has not yet been inscribed and the scroll is still virgin-blank but a thought has already matured and the Logos has been determined. In an instant, in one burst of passion the work will be done. 

The men’s cufflinks “Scrolls of Wisdom”… “In the beginning was the Word…” (John 1:1)

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Photo by Dmitriy Las