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The 100th Anniversary of the Polish Olympic Committee. The IOC President
Thomas Bach became Honorary Doctor of the University of Gdansk

November 6, 2019 


A solemn meeting of the Senate of the University of Gdansk was held in the building of Artus Court, the main architectural landmark of Gdansk.


Solemn ceremony of awards delivery to Thomas Bach by Andrzej Kraśnicki


During the meeting dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the University of Gdansk and the 100th anniversary of the Polish Olympic Committee, the Senate of the University presented the the title of Honorary Doctor, highest academic award, to Thomas Bach, the President of the International Olympic Committee, for his contribution to the development of the international Olympic movement and actions in defense of human rights and world peace.

During the congratulatory speech, Andrzej Kraśnicki, the President of the Polish Olympic Committee, held a solemn presentation of the commemorative award: the 100th Anniversary of the Polish Olympic Committee. The creative team of the Lobortas Classic Jewelry House was engaged in the development and manufacture thereof.



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