Logo Lobortas Classic Jewelry House



Gold Ring

Collection: Pret-a-Porte



№ Н-18-01-037

Words can be more powerful than swords, signs and symbols can be more effective and clear than actions. Once upon a time, at the beginning of a new era, the holy sign of immortality was shining above the world. It consisted of the letters of the holy name. in the matrix of the Universe a new meaning appeared.

Icons, caves, catacombs, helmets, coins and churches were decorated with these symbols of Christianity. Today the Christogram is a magnificent crown on this beautiful gold ring by Lobortas Classic Jewellery House. It surrounds the first letters of the Lord`s name and a wreath of laurus that symbolizes His triumph. In this famous and mysterious inscription there is a massage to the humankind. Having understood the Lord`s magnificence one can understand the idea of atonement and its symbol, the Holy Cross.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin