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«Three Threads»

Diamond Sapphire Ruby Demantoid Gold Ring


Collection: Men's Rings

gold, diamonds, sapphires, rubies, demantoids.

№ 312261

Three bright roads, three threads of destiny

Will interweave like a cross

And suddenly life will become open for us...

If you turn left... If you turn right...If you go straight...We are always looking for directions and destinations that will lead us to happiness, give us love and harmony. What if there is a cross where our intentions unite? What if looking for the meaning of life, success or friends we are looking for ourselves? And then we find what we were looking for and understand that this is the real meaning of life. Suddenly someone invisible will give us three threads of destiny. They are interwoven, shining and colorful. And then we discover something...

Or suddenly we will find the ring made by divine masters, inspired by the truth and bringing happiness? There are royal gemstones in this ring: a ruby and a sapphire will give to its owner self-control and wisdom. Shining garnets of rare beauty and energy will give you calmness and peace. Diamonds are shining with success, fame and hope. Pure gold brings light, love and joy.

All that the roads lead us to interweave with life like those three threads.

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Photo by Vladislav Filin